Anydeals Fund

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Anydeals Fund is an idea that Anydeals had to give money to charity groups including small charities, Scout groups and Guide groups anywhere in the UK. The only limitation is you have to be a registered charity and have a reason for requiring financial help. The current amount in the Anydeals Fund can be seen below. If you would like to apply for all or a portion of the fund please use the Contact us and select the subject The Anydeals Fund. You can see who this money has helped below.

Amount Raised £708.62

Given away £250

Still to give away £458.62

The money is separate from any other being raised and as such is available for any charity in the UK to apply.

If you would like to apply please Contact us with information on what you would like to use the money for.

Below are the charities that have benefited from Anydeals Fund

Paid to Amount
Plymouth District Cub Scouts£250
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